27/05/2017 – 14/01/2018

Dead Certain? Final Destination unknown

Museum Natur und Mensch

Dying is part of life. Omnipresent and yet banished from our everyday world, death and dying are great unknowns. The exhibition »Todsicher? Letzte Reise ungewiss | Dead Certain? Final Destination unknown« staged by the Museum Natur und Mensch focuses upon death from an ethnological, natural history and social point of view. What happens when life comes to an end? What actually follows »after-wards«? The exhibition casts light on the wealth of ideas about, traditions relating to and ways of dealing with the  nite nature of life. The show, which is suitable for families and children, is supplemented by current debate on organ donation and interventions in the permanent natural history exhibition.

Totenkopfschwärmer, Naturkundliche Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Kulap Ahnenfigur, Neuirland, Ozeanien, Ethnologische Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Besucherbaum, sammelt Vorstellungen und Ansichten über das "Jenseits", Foto: Rita Eggstein
Mumienmaske, Sincán, Peru, Amerikas, Ethnologische Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Rindenbild, Aborigine, Australien, Ozeanien, Ethnologische Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Blauer Morphofalter, Südamerika, Naturkundliche Sammlung, Foto: Rita Eggstein
Elefantenmaske, Bamileke, Kamerun, Afrika, Ethnologische Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Totengräber und Wiedehopfkadaver, Naturkundliche Sammlung, Foto: Axel Killian
Ofrenda, Gabentisch zu Ehren der Toten, Mexiko, 2016, Foto: Rita Eggstein

Opening hours

Wednesday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Admission fees

5 euros / concessions 3 euros

Free entry for those under 27 and with the Museums-PASS-Musées.


Get your ticket directly at the museum or book online.


Museum Natur und Mensch
Gerberau 32
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel.: +49 761 201-2566
contact persons

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