South America



Rheas are flightless birds, just like the African ostrich and Australian emus. They live in the plains and high plains throughout South America. Their numbers have suffered greatly through hunting and the destruction of their natural habitat, though they are not overall an endangered species.

Heidschnuck (heathland) sheep

Heidschnuck (heathland) sheep

European domestic animals, e.g. sheep, also came to South America with the Spanish conquerors. We thus keep the Heidschnuck sheep here at the Mundenhof. As a result of the spread of the animal species introduced from Europe, the large numbers of lama and alpaca stocks in South America fell dramatically during the following centuries.



The Incas started keeping lamas as domestic animals five thousand years ago. They provided wool, milk and meat, acted as sacrificial animals and offered the only possibility of transporting loads in the almost impassable high mountain ranges. In addition, the animals were of great importance for the religions and cultures of South America. They are still magnificently adorned with bright ribbons and pompoms on festive occasions. Lamas are very undemanding and, with their woolly pelts, are ideally adapted to the climatic conditions of the South American highlands.

daily feeding

You can accompany the keepers on their daily feeding round from March to October (at 2.30 p.m. every day except Fridays, meeting point at the stone monkey).