Education for sustainable development

KonTiKi’s educational work and activities show the children that their behaviour has an effect on their environment. Together, alternative patterns of activity and solution strategies are developed for a responsible treatment of the environment and surroundings. Whereby KonTiKi includes the concept of “education for sustainable development”.

In a playful and hands-on manner, children learn to deal with animals and plants with respect, care and responsibility. Through the often laborious processing and production of food and herbal remedies, clothes, objects and works of art, the children experience the benefits of these products and become aware of their value.

The KonTiKi animals, from all over the world, give children a better understanding of foreign cultures and countries – not only are regional and animal-related backgrounds discussed at KonTiKi, but also socio-cultural aspects. As a result, children develop an understanding for other cultures and ways of life, and learn to look beyond their own surroundings and out into the world.