29/02/2020 – 19/04/2020

30 Years – From Egg to Chick

Museum Natur und Mensch

The chicks are back! 2020 will see the 30th "From Egg to Chick" exhibition on May 30th. What was originally planned as a one-off special exhibition has become a regular crowd puller. In this year too, both young and old can watch the offspring of various breeds of hen as they chirp, peck and try to fly.

With patience and, above all, good luck, it may even be possible to watch the magic moment of the hatching. But not only hens lay eggs! The exhibition offers an all-round view of eggs in the animal kingdom as well as in customs and festivities. There are also tips for consumers and on the keeping of animals.

Küken, das einen Fuß auf ein liegendes Ei gestellt hat, vor blauem Hintergrund
Foto: Adobe Stock, Anatolii
Kinder in der Ausstellung "Vom Ei zum Küken"
Foto: Axel Killian
Kinder in der Ausstellung "Vom Ei zum Küken"
Foto: Axel Killian
Kinder betrachten Küken in der Ausstellung "Vom Ei zum Küken"
Foto: Axel Killian

Opening hours

Wednesday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Admission fees

5 euros / concessions 3 euros

Free entry for those under 27 and with the Museums-PASS-Musées.


Get your ticket directly at the museum or book online.


Museum Natur und Mensch
Gerberau 32
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel.: +49 761 201-2566
contact persons

barrierefrei erreichbar, rollstuhlgerecht mit Hilfe über Aufzug, rollstuhlgerechtes WC