
In Freiburg, there are a variety of opportunities for the elderly to meet other people, for education and participation. The counselling centres and associations help you find the opportunity that is right for you. They give you advice and support on issues revolving around aging - from leisure activities to your need for nursing care - and also inform you about financial aid.

The brochure "Altenpflegeheime in Freiburg" (nursing homes in Freiburg) is available in the office for seniors as well as in the nursing homes and on the Internet at
If you are looking for general information in your native language about nursing care insurance, age-related diseases and support services for people in need, please contact the "Gesundheitsinfothek für Migrantinnen und Migranten" (Health Information Centre for Immigrants).
It lets you research information in different languages.

(0761) 3 19 16-0

You can seek advice from the above facilities and relevant counselling centres (see First Steps). And you get help and support from the following institutions:

Counselling for older immigrants and their relatives

Seniors’ office with nursing station (Seniorenbüro mit Pflegestützpunkt)

Information and counselling for older people, relatives and people in need of nursing care

The Office for Seniors provides information, advises and intercedes with the following questions and subjects:

  • Meeting people
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Sports and health
  • Civic engagement
  • Housing for seniors
  • Technology for the aged
  • Outpatient services
  • Living with dementia
  • Rehabilitation
  • Day care / short-term care
  • Nursing homes and residential care groups
  • Costs and funding opportunities

Caritas Association of the City of Freiburg (Caritasverband Freiburg-Stadt e. V.)

Health Information Centre

Association for the Interests of Seniors in Freiburg (Stadtseniorenrat Freiburg e. V.)

Representing the interests of seniors

Information line and place to go for attention – advice – help